Welcome to Versailles United Methodist Church
Welcome to VUMC! We are delighted to have you worship with us today.
We would love for you to call us home!
Welcome Children – We welcome children in our worship services. Children will be dismissed to Kid’s Worship on the second—fourth Sundays of the month. Parents you may pick up your Children in RM #119
Nursery is available every Sunday in RM #108 for kids 4 and under.
9:15 Am Traditional Worship
Responsive Reading
*How Firm a Foundation UMH 529
The Apostle’s Creed
Gloria Patri
Solid Rock Chancel Choir
Welcome & Announcements
Pastoral Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
Message - Wise Builders Rev. William Herndon Matthew 7:24-27
Opening of Time Capsule
Holy Communion
Closing of Time Capsules
Time Capsules taken to Prayer Garden
10:30am Contemporary Worship
*Forever Reign
*Graves into Gardens
The Apostle’s Creed
*My Jesus
Welcome & Announcements
Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer
Message Wise Builders Matthew 7:24-27 Rev. William Herndon
Holy Communion
*O Come to the Altar
The Seekers Class has now expanded into two groups: Seekers I and Seekers II. Both groups will begin a new study of 1 John and will meet in room 114. For questions, check with Rick Copley (Seekers I) or Tim McClintock (Seekers II).
Women's Discipleship Class is studying Jennifer Rothschild book, Hosea. All ladies are invited to meet in room 116.
VUMC Men's Discipleship Class is studying the book of Acts. All men are invited to attend.
Time Capsule will be opened today . After viewing, all items will be placed in a new container. Items of interest, since 1984. will be placed in an addtional container. Both will be sealed The capsules will be buried in the church prayer garden after the first worship service.
Combined Worship Service We are having a combined worship service, October 13 at 10:30am. Simpson Chapel UMC will be joining us in worship. Pastor Robert Lewis will share the sermon, and the Simpson UMC choir and the Versailles UMC choir will come together in worship. Following the service, we will enjoy a potluck lunch to "break bread" together, featuring BBQ as the main dish. We kindly ask attendees to bring sides s to share.
Bicentennial Moment:
October 6 Opening and closing Time Capsules
October 13 Combined worship Simpson and VUMC - BBQ Lunch after service.
October 20 Rededication ,Honors, Remembrances Fall Festival at Pavilion after service.